[VB.NET] Finding whether its Design Mode or Runtime Mode for Forms

[VB.NET] Finding whether its Design Mode or Runtime Mode for Forms

Sometimes, while creating controls, either by Inherited Controls or UserControls, we will be required to skip a piece of code depending upon the design time or runtime mode.
Software Development
by Jey Geethan | November 06, 2008

Sometimes, while creating controls, either by Inherited Controls or UserControls, we will be required to skip a piece of code depending upon the design time or runtime mode. This can be done easily by the following code inside a control.

If Me.Site IsNot Nothing AndAlso Me.Site.DesignMode = True Then
    'Designtime code here
    'Runtime code here
End If

Using this code in a control, we can find the mode and avoid certain errors when in Design Mode. This is mostly used in overridden event methods in Inherited Controls.

Jey Geethan

Jey Geethan is a poet, author and an entrepreneur.

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