My Mission

Deriving from my vision, my mission becomes really simple. I want to create as many opportunities as I can, to help others by enabling them, training them, creating opportunities and to spread happiness.

Enabling People

Many of us, including me, are under false limitations. We are molded by the current world, to limit ourselves and hold ourselves back. This does not create opportunities and instead blocks most of us from being our best. My mission is to help others break this proverbial bondage. Enabling people helps them to realize their own potential, rise up to many challenges and create more goodness out of any obstacles.

Creating Opportunities

People who are able to overcome obstacles, require opportunities to excel and showcase their strengths and skills. Opportunities help to guide themselves to a bigger arena and create even more happiness.

Spreading Happiness

The happiness that I create for others, I believe, would be the seed for others. Impacted can impact others. People spread happiness. I have to plant the initial seed in everyone I can.

My Vision | My Mission | My Pledge