Software Development

Software development articles and tips and tricks

Software Development

Why Microservices?

by Jey Geethan | December 16, 2022
Why Microservices?
I have a few tidbits about why to use microservices and why it makes sense to create few microservices as a side project and learn from the same
Software Development

Top 5 Tips for Software Development Managers To Conduct Effective 1 on 1s With Your Reports

by Jey Geethan | October 05, 2020
Top 5 Tips for Software Development Managers To Conduct Effective 1 on 1s With Your Reports
Some of the effective tips that can enhance your 1 on 1s with your reports. In 2020, software development is one of the major industries which provides millions of jobs. In fact, if you look at the statistics, this industry is poised to grow even further. According to Slashdata, it's expected to reach 45 million developers by 2030. As a manager, it's your responsibility that 1 on 1s are effective and help your reports. I want to talk about a few of the things that make this process really effective.
Software Development

Do you want to use your macbook as a lap-heater?

by Jey Geethan | August 28, 2019
Do you want to use your macbook as a lap-heater?
How many times have you felt the coldness of a meeting room and wish you had brought a heater into the room. Now you can convert your macbook into a heater
Software Development

How to get informative, color prompts on Mac Terminal or iTerm2

by Jey Geethan | August 14, 2019
How to get informative, color prompts on Mac Terminal or iTerm2
This article talks about how to get color prompts on your terminal and add some informative things like current git branch and distinctive colors for current path, username etc.
Software Development

Can you have a dinner conversation around Pull Requests?

by Jey Geethan | July 11, 2019
Can you have a dinner conversation around Pull Requests?
I believe that writing code is a way of communication and it enables developers understand better than just talking about the concepts or logic in plain english words.
Software Development

How to increase open file descriptors limit in MacOS Sierra / Linux

by Jey Geethan | April 08, 2019
How to increase open file descriptors limit in MacOS Sierra / Linux
There are times when you want to increase your open file limit in your system
Software Development

Ruby on Rails - Complex route constraints made easy

by Jey Geethan | March 31, 2019
Ruby on Rails - Complex route constraints made easy
In Rails, we know that the routes are the most important entry-point where we define the which url hits which controller. We also know how to define the resources and add some conditions to the routing.
Software Development

Ruby on Rails Engine - How To Keep Your Engine Migrations Abstracted From Your Host Rails App

by Jey Geethan | January 16, 2019
Ruby on Rails Engine - How To Keep Your Engine Migrations Abstracted From Your Host Rails App
Have you ever worked on building a Rails Engine and wanted to keep the models, the migrations and everything inside the engine rather than using a generator to copy paste them into your host Rails App?
Software Development

What's next after Chatbots?

by Jey Geethan | December 08, 2018
What's next after Chatbots?
Chatbots are programmatically defined workflows that can help any customer to navigate some scenarios. But will chatbots stay there?
Software Development

Building Microservices For Quick Wins

by Jey Geethan | October 03, 2018
Building Microservices For Quick Wins
Microservices have always been a hot topic among software firms. Does your firm really need a microservice? Read on to find out.