[.NET Error] Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows

[.NET Error] Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows

This is an error, with which i was dumbfounded for weeks. But the solution is simple after understanding why it's happening
Software Development
by Jey Geethan | March 06, 2008

This is an error, with which i was dumbfounded for weeks. The problem is simple. I have a DataSet and it automatically generates INSERT command. So i can add rows to the DataSet and update it easily. But whenever i change values in existing rows and update it via TableAdapter, I get this exception "Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows". I found inside the generated code that only INSERT command is generated. Whatever i try, the DataSet designer would not create an UPDATE command nor a DELETE command for this TableAdapter.

Solution 1:

You can select the TableAdapter and write your own query for the update command in the property dialog box.

But this is not a good idea.

Solution 2: (Better one)

The problem lies within your table design. Check it out again and check whether you have created a primary key for the table. Mostly this will be the case, as I forgot to create one. Now after creating the primary key, you can recreate the DataSets to get the corresponding UPDATE and DELETE statements.

But if you do not want a primary key in your table, you may resort to first solution.

Jey Geethan

Jey Geethan is a poet, author and an entrepreneur.

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