Team Jey
 said 3 months ago

Hello Team Jey friends,

Today we are going to talk about a topic that we feel might be of particular interest to artists and writers. We know that artists go through a block now and then. Their creative juices seem to be at their worst, and they would feel like there's nothing left for them to come up with. Most writers call this writer’s block, and artists call this a creative block. Today we are going to talk about how to deal with this block and come up with strategies to beat this block out of the way.

What's the real reason?

It's always better to understand what's going on in the conscious mind to really understand the reasons for the block. For most of us, it can be either a directionless day, a week without motivation, or probably a month without real goals. When one is directionless, there is less motivation for you to work and come up with your best work. So it's better to understand if the motivation is lacking to come up with solutions. There could be other reasons as well: A perfectionist attitude or a fear of failure. Though these reasons could be much more complex, it is necessary to understand what is really happening within you to come up with the next steps.

Change your goals

Most artists have some goal set for them every day. Like writers could say 5 to 10 pages every day, and musicians could say that they come up with a melody or beat every single day. When you are blocked, it is better to come up with a goal that triggers the win for the day but may be without the high quality that you expect to be done. Like write a few pages, or come up with a set of beats without the expectation of high quality that you usually expect from yourself. But it is okay to be with this because crossing the target is much more important than being stuck without any progress. You can always mark these pages or song sections and come back and change it later.

Changing your physical environment

Sometimes instead of going through the same environment, a change of scene could do the trick. Like, write from a new place. Go to a coffee shop, wear your headphones, and come up with a new beat. This works most of the time because your brain synapses connect differently in a new environment, and this would give a new boost to your creativity and ensure that you produce something.

New collabs

Always have a backup buddy with whom you can collaborate during your down times so that somebody else helps you come back to your usual creative routine. A new person in your creative process could also come up with new ideas, and they might just push you to new limits as well. This is the most important reason that you need a collab buddy.

Get into an online community

Always build your support systems so that when you are on the down low, there are people who will help you come back up. That's exactly one of the reasons we have built The Room. If you are reading this, we encourage you to join us and build your own support system.


Remember, the blocks are always temporary. It is part of the process, and every artist goes through the down times. Understand that this frame of mind will change, and it is better to embrace it than resist it. Also, doing the above techniques will help you get out of the block as quickly as possible. Cheers to your creativity!