Team Jey
 said 2 months ago

Everybody wants to have a wonderful life. But most of the people settle for the mediocre things in life, thus creating a mediocre life. It's not easy for everyone to achieve their dreams in their lives, but it is in fact easier to get closer to your dreams step by step. Imagine that your dream is 100 steps of stairs, and you are standing at the bottom. Imagine if your favorite movie is playing on a big screen at the stop of the stairs, and from the bottom, you can see a small-sized picture. And you want to get to the top before the movie ends so that you can watch your favorite movie on a very big screen. This analogy is exactly what Jey Geethan told us the other day about dreams. While we are walking up the stairs, there is a real threat that the movie could end before we ever reach the top. That said, the most important strategy for our lives should be to optimize how soon we can walk the steps, and it’s not about reaching the topmost step, but about getting to a comfortable altitude so that the movie is bigger, and you get to watch the majority of the movie on a big screen. Even if you don't reach the topmost step before the movie ends, it is okay as long as you climb faster to reach a comfortable viewing location. Hope this analogy is helpful to model your mind.

These are some steps that you could use to step your life:

  1. Define what a dream life exactly means to you
  2. Break it down and create tangible goal posts
  3. Trust that you can build up your skills and potential to reach those goals
  4. Take action every day
  5. Adapt based on feedback

We are sharing what we had learned with our session with Jey Geethan the other day. Share and comment your thoughts!